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Eighteen Forest Park Business Professionals of America students traveled to Ivy Tech Evansville last Friday to participate in their Regional Leadership Conference.  

The following students advanced to State Leadership Conference:

Kate Pund 6th in Payroll Accounting

Owen Troesch 4th in Fundamental Word Processing

Alexander Fischer 6th in Fundamental Word Processing

Leo Widolff 2nd in Integrated Office Applications

Adrianna Woodcox 3rd in Device Configuration and Troubleshooting  AND 2nd in Server Administration Using Microsoft

Ethan Knight 1st in Computer Security AND 1st in Python Programming

Charles Hasenour 2nd in Advanced Desktop Publishing AND 7th in Health Administration Procedures

Miranda Rickelman 2nd in Extemporaneous Speech AND 1st in Prepared Speech

Jenna Berg 6th in Computer Security

Will Steckler 7th in Computer Security

Seven members have submitted contests that are straight to state.  We will find out in January if they are invited to participate in SLC in March with the others mentioned above.

The students also participated in 'Open' contests.  They do not advance to SLC in Opens.  Following are the results for top 5:

Alex Fischer 4th in Financial Math and Analysis Concepts

Rheyse Fleck 3rd in Administrative Support Concepts

Anna Jahn 5th in Administrative Support Concepts

Ethan Knight 5th in Computer Programming Concepts

Owen Troesch 3rd in Information Technology Concepts

Ethan Knight 4th in Information Technology Concepts

Miranda Rickelman 2nd in Parliamentary Procedure Concepts

Conner Hochgesang 3rd in Digital Marketing Concepts

Charlie Hasenour 4th in Health Administration Concepts

Leo Widolff 5th in Health Administration Concepts

As a co-curricular organization, Business Professionals of America has the ability to enhance student participation in professional, civic, service and social endeavors. Business Professionals of America members participate in these activities to accomplish their goals of self-improvement, leadership development, professionalism, community service, career development, public relations, student cooperation, safety and health.

Members may participate in three levels of competitions and conferences.  Regional Leadership Conference is held at Ivy Tech in Evansville on a Friday in December.  If successful there, they advance to the State Leadership Conference in Downtown Indianapolis for three days in March (two out of school).  If they advance again, they may attend the National Leadership conference for five days in early May.  That location rotates between Dallas, Anaheim, Orlando, Chicago and Washington DC.

Competitions include the following categories:  Accounting and Finance, Business Administration, Management Information Systems, Digital Communication and Design, Management, Marketing and Communication and Health Administration.

There are MANY opportunities for leadership roles, scholarships and awards for BPA members.  Our local club has officers and anyone may run to be a Regional, State or National officer.  They are the ones who help organize the conferences.  As a national organization, it is widely known by employers and business leaders everywhere.  To learn more about it, visit or contact Mrs. Hochgesang.  
